Tuesday, July 9, 2013

joli deli avec la voisine

Bonsoir from Paris! Despite not being thrilled to leave New York, I'm so happy to be back. For one thing, my first full day at my internship went well--and not just because I spent some of it on our Pinterest account ;). I feel so, so lucky to have landed such a fabulous opportunity. Furthermore, by this weekend, I'll be officially settled into a new apartment; one that is complete with a real kitchen, a full bathroom, and another sweet landlord. Have I mentioned it's around the corner from the lovely Lauren, too? Because it is. Soon, I'll be neighbors with the kind of gal that sees you tweet Jenn's post about Joli Deli, and suggests a lunch date:
This cuter than cute cafĂ© is hidden on a quiet street behind Metro Arts-et-Metiers. The service is friendly, the menu is delicious, and the decor is minimalist-whimsy. On that warm, summer afternoon, I enjoyed a green salad with smoked fish and avocado, a slice of Rachel's cheesecake, and a pretty noisette for 15€. 'Twas all but perfect paired with Lauren's delightful company and conversation! I can't tell you how excited I am to have her as my new neighbor :). All I need now is a couple of good nights sleep to replace the jet lag with energy to pack up my chambre de bonne...


  1. Oh wow! That cheesecake is divine. So glad to hear that you had a good first day- at least as far as first days go! Are you still writing your paper on wine?

    (Also, yay for the new place! It'll feel homey in no time)

    1. Oh my gosh, it was! Best cheesecake I've had in a while :). I am still writing my thesis but I have to develop the topic further. I'd love to concentrate on wine somehow. Yay for the new place, indeed!

  2. That cheesecake looks so good, this Aussie winter makes me want to only eat desserts. Good luck with moving!

    1. It was, it was! I'll send some over ;) thanks for the luck!

  3. congrats on the new job! i'd love to live in new york. s

  4. What a sweet cafe! Best of luck with your move, sounds like it will be a much better arrangement! (Ie kitchen)

  5. this cafe looks just darling. love a good neon pink. congrats on the gig!

    1. Darling is the perfect word for it. Thanks, sweetheart!

  6. Found your blog through Wildcard Wednesday! So cute and that cafe is adorable as well! New follower :)

    1. I'm so honored - thank you! Glad you found me :)


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