Sunday, April 28, 2013

my brother's castle

You thought we were done with Portugal, didn't you? Well, I've been saving the best for last: Castelo de Saõ Jorge. This fortress has existed in some shape or form since the 2nd century BC. It's survived Lisbon under the rule of Celtic indigenous tribes, Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Suebics, Visigoths, and Moors. Today, it simply offers a glimpse at the history of this modern city... and some pretty incredible views, too.
Lorelei, Lara, and I were so, so lucky with the weather on our visit; especially when you compare it to today in Paris: grey, rainy, and cool. Le sigh. At least it makes it easier to work on these two remaining research papers (I finished one this past Friday!) and prepare for that final exam? Exactly. And during future study breaks, I look forward to sharing my most recent trip to the Jura. Ciao for now! I'm off to Sunday brunch.


  1. What an INTERESTING building (it deserves caps). cannot believe how resilient it has been. That weather is gorgeous. I wish I could bottle up some of the immense and awe-inspiring blue sky days we've been having here and send it to you in Paris. You guys sound like you could use it (even if it does make study more gruelling).

    1. Amazing, isn't it? And please do! I'd really appreciate it :)

  2. Beautiful. I especially love the last photo. I wish I could take that tile art and put it on my wall at home.

    1. Oh, it was! Portuguese tile art is really something else

  3. Beautiful photos! So glad you could experience Lisbon on such a perfect day! Every time I visited the castle, the view took my breath away all over again!

    1. Thank you, dear. So am I! It was beyond breathtaking, for sure.


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