Sunday, April 8, 2012

felices pascuas

Happy Easter/Passover/Sunday! I hope your day was as full of sunshine, play, and good food as mine was (with some family face time for good measure.)

Oh! And guess what? As of today, lovely grandmother and I are officially going to Colombia in May. I couldn't possibly feel more blessed :).


  1. :) I live in ColUmbia, MD and I love it when ppl ask if I am from Colombia! Enjoy girl!

  2. @Sana: You are from Columbia! Haha, that's awesome.

  3. ahhhhhh Colombia! can i come too? that is going to amazing and fabulous and i am just so glad you had such a good holiday with your family. mucho love to you mi amor.

  4. @holly: Yes, you sure can! I'm looking forward to it. Mucho love to you! xo

  5. Looks like you had a really nice holiday. :) That's exciting news about the upcomming trip. That will be such a fun time!!

  6. @Annie: I would say so :) thanks! I sure hope so!


Penny for your thoughts...