Wednesday, February 15, 2012

romantic mexican in chinatown

Gifts: M&M holiday pretzelsGolden Girl valentines, Taiwanese pineapple cakes
Drinks: cilantro fresca (pictured), margarita de la casa, pulque clásico (older than tequila and stronger than beer, pulque is a fermented alcohol made from the agave plant--it also has a slight old, sweaty shoe aftertaste... yum?)
Food: guacamole clásico, sikil pak (Mayan pumpkin seed dip),  taco pescado zarandeado & taco carnita (pictured), borrachos ("drunk" beans with pulque)
Valentine's Day Dates: Anna, Leslie, Megan
This Valentine's Day,  I celebrated love with three single friends at PulqueriaWe met after work. From an inconspicuous street in Chinatown, we ventured down an unmarked stairwell and through a blue door. We exchanged gifts and stories, ate well, drank lots, and danced while seated in our cozy booth. The four and a half hours passed quickly. Dare I say it was almost perfect? Hope yours was, too.


  1. oooh, doyers street looks so mysterious in this lighting. looks like you ladies had fun! except i don't like the sound of sweaty shoe. oh boy.

  2. @sofia: Doesn't it?! I totally convinced everyone I was being artistic when I took the shot after leaving ;) as for pulque, let's just say Leslie refused to drink it...

  3. Your photos are great! I liked the one of the four of us so much that it's my new FB photo - hope that's okay! Let's hang soon, maybe eat some diner grilled cheese... :)

  4. @Megan (The Runner's Kitchen): Well, I did take a million ;) of course that's fine! And listen, I'm all for hanging out soon, but the diner is kind of a solo 5am date with myself spot, so I'll just have to make sure it's okay in advance...

  5. I love that photo! Well done, random busboy who took it. And I also loved our date, of course.

  6. @Anna: True story! And, obviously ;) hope your week is going well still!


Penny for your thoughts...