Thursday, December 8, 2011

one last fyi

In other news, I have far too much hair... it and I both wish you a happy weekend!


  1. In other news, you're adorable. For some reason your RSS feed hasn't been updating in my reader! I haven't yet read the post you are referring to, but it seems like something I need to read! Has anyone else complained about the reader updating issue or is it just me? I'll try to delete and re-subscribe...

    Happy Holidays, Danielle!

  2. AH you cutayyy! I love Christmas music. Dur. I love how-to's, food stuff, and TRAVELS. Especially Greece if you've been there. I just really want to go to Greece.

  3. @Lara: Aw, shucks. I haven't heard of that happening, but I'm sorry it was! Hope the issue is fixed now. Happy holidays to you as well!

    @Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn: Thanks, dear. Will definitely keep that in mind!


Penny for your thoughts...