Your favorite place in the world? New York City. Why? I feel like I "belong there." It's just such an invigorating and comforting location, the magic and true allure of "The Big Apple."
These vacations are usually short but sweet. We meet and reunite with fun, fabulous friends, do a lot of sightseeing, shopping, and other leisurely activities, and we savor exceptional meals and desserts. Let's see the goods, VG:
Gotta love NYC's plentiful and delicious organic, vegan, & raw options!
VeggieGirl the chocoholic...who would have thought that this day would ever come??
I make the most of my time by sticking with the restaurants I know and love: Pure Food and Wine,
Pure Food and Wine, Bonobos, Pure Food and Wine, Candle 79 (nothing spectacular (and that is putting it lightly in my opinion...)), more Pure Food and Wine.
After all, it is rather fun when the restaurant staffs remember who you are and your order, haha ;-)
And not trip is complete without frequent visits to One Lucky Duck. Here I am with my half-pint of raw ice cream, always so delectable.
On the last trip, I ventured across the street from my hotel (you cannot really get much closer than that) to the Union Square Greenmarket nearly every morning.
It have been a sin not to purchase at least some of the fresh goodness offered at the market

(I stocked up on organic cherries and packed some strawberry jam to take back home)
I also felt obliged to take an abundance of photographs as well, due to the positively breathtaking and beautiful nature of the farmers market offerings.If that weren't enough icing on the cake, I am very fortunate to have so many great friends in such a great city - it makes visiting NYC so often all that more special and worthwhile.
We are anxiously awaiting your return VeggieGirl! And, if you'd like to participate in this Plates from Around the World series please email a description favorite place, and your favorite foodie memory from there, along with a few photos of the place/food itself or those that were taken nearby to Ciao for now!
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