Psst... I have a secret to share :)... I've been practicing Bikram Yoga every day since Sunday. The nearest studio has $25 one-week unlimited for newbies. For anyone who is unfamiliar with the hottest yoga in town (pun intended) Bikram is a 90-minute practice of physical and mental strength and endurance, 26 active postures in all, that takes place in a heated room at 105 degrees.

Once I adjusted myself to the hotness of it all, I've found that it has done wonders. My body is able to relax and stretch to the extreme. My mind becomes quiets and clarity takes over. I sweat more than I have ever sweat in my entire life and yet I feel purified; by the time I take a shower I feel absolutely rejuvenated. And each morning, upon awaking, I crave it again, and again, and again.
You are not advised to eat at least two hours beforehand so I've been waking up extra early to have a hummus & avocado breakfast sandwich. I cannot go without morning fuel! Still, I am quite the hungry yogini by the time I'm fresh and clean and home again. Yesterday, for an early lunch, I made a great big salad with spring greens, tons of raw vegetables and edamame.
and then I was off to my favorite supermarkets! I had a couple of things to buy for my last couple of days at home and some grocery goods for school. I'll be living in my sorority house and we do have a wonderful and accommodating cook, but still, I always need my own health food staples :). Oh and above? That's the warm fresh bread and olive oil sample while shopping.
Um, yum! I know. I won't be able to use the stove but I prefer overnight rolled oats to instant any day. Green tea will be morning drink of choice as usual. Walnuts, almond butter, spinach hummus, GREENSuperFood bars, G&B darkest of dark chocolate, and new raw bars... no explanation needed. And now I do not have to worry about being jealous on sundae nights ;).
There were quite a few powders and supplements available at Mrs. Greens but I'm "the real thing" kind of girl so I chose not to splurge. I was, however, very impressed to see Amazing Grass already taking up a shelf. I tried their mixes a few weeks back, and although they're a little chalky for my taste, I am all for the ingredient list. Way to go my green friends :).
As you may have assumed from the pictures of yesterday's insightful post, my final excursion was to the bookstore (since I just happened to have a $10 gift card.) Following much deliberation, I settled on Without Reservations by Alice Steinback, her very own 340-day travel memoir. (Okay, that may not have been the exact number... it was close though!) I think I'm funny ;) take care lovelies!
P.S. Check out Heather's interview on True/Slant. She's an almond butter doll.
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