Hello all, remember me? :) As I'm sure you've seen already I had quite the fabulous birthday celebration: my first legal beer and a tequila shot at a local bar with the boy at midnight on the very early morning of... a relaxed, local and organic dinner alongside a delectable
pinot noir with my family
at the nearby
Flying Pig restaurant... and let's not forget (or must we, haha) the 12-hour celebratory dinner and drink
extravaganza from May 30th into the 31st!

I was one very happy birthday girl! I finally woke up, still ridiculously tired, at noon on Sunday without any inkling of a hangover. Go me! I was starving though so I quickly threw together some PB and toast alongside a handful of berries. Yum, yum, yum. I may or may not have also downed three glasses of water... my head didn't hurt then but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen in the future (better safe than sorry.)

I then spent my last few hours reflecting over the weekend and looking back through a certain gift that I received in honor of the 21 years since my day of birth. No, it's not the lovely rose from my parents!

But it was this beautiful creation from my generous and thoughtful siblings, a scrapbook of my lifetime of memories.
I love my little sister so much!
And the the same goes for my little brother!
I will surely cherish this book
and these amazing memories for the rest of my life.
I really missed this family of mine.
Not to mention those teenage years!
Any veteran field hockey players out there?
Or perhaps dancers?
I was active from the start ;)
while also understanding the importance of vacation and rest!
So many good times in my old house,

alongside the amazing friends that I've made along the way!
And through it all I;ve always had my sister,
and the rest of my family by my side for constant love and support.

I was blown away and brought to tears, I don't think I have ever received a better gift! What's your most favorite keepsake item?
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