We served an array of bites--beginning with a Tarte aux Légumes, which I loved. Others included sardines on toast, egg salad, a lentil puréed soup, a salad of noix, pommes, et pommes de terre, couscous, and grilled meats and sausages. I chose vegetarian.
In attempt to make up for it, I'd like to introduce my host-mom, Micheline, in the new Mini Cooper. Did I ever mention that I accompanied her to the premier event? It was quite the classy affaire, haha. I certainly felt important being there.
Anyway, back to the present! Following the barbecueWe had the French cheese course with French bread following the barbecued meat. And finally, it was time for dessert! The best part of all family affairs ;). There was a Fruit Cake fait à la maison by my host-grandmother, un gâteau au chocolat et noix de coco prepared by yours truly, and an assortment of chocolate and bite-sized cookies. La fête was a great success and it was so nice to have quality family time.

Now here I am looking awkward as can be :) as I show you all my new haircut. Gosh did I need it! What do you think? In other news, I'm leaving Strasbourg a week from tomorrow. Can you believe it?! That would explain why I've been so gosh darn busy these past few days, not to mention that I'm in the midst of writing papers and studying for finals. Ah the life of a student! See you tomorrow with a review of my transformed view of eating, exercising, and simply living thanks to a year of traveling! Hope you're having a very happy Earth Day :).
“Modern society will find no solution to the ecological problem unless it takes a serious look at its lifestyles.” — Pope John Paul II
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