Thursday, April 30, 2009

le crêperie marxer

Oh my, my, my, last night = so many tears, goodbyes just are so not my thing. Today I'm feeling a lot less sad, although I can't say better, perhaps it's more of a surreal numbness? Weird. Nonetheless I can't help but smile when I think back to my last French class...

It was yet another beautiful day in Strasbourg

for my final FRE325 class with Professor Marxer.

I learned so much this semester and have improved my French beyond what I thought possible, thanks, in a very big part, to that man.

He's one of my favorite people and moved up even higher on the list when he taught us how to make French crêpes, Alsatian style (replacing baking soda with beer, ha).

Our first batch were salée with the European staples of ham & cheese,

all but the two very special cheese crêpes pour moi.


Then it was time for dessert, les crêpes sucrées. I enjoyed mine with a bit of Nutella, yummy hazelnut, chocolate goodness.

La recette des crêpes à la français (pour dessert)


250 grams of flour

30 grams of brown sugar
1/2 liter of milk
3 eggs
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of oil

1. In a large bowl mix the flour, sugar, and salt
2. Add the eggs, dilute the mixture with milk, and mix well.
3. When the mixture is smooth add the oil and wisk.
4. Cook each crêpe in a warm, greased pan (use butter for extra flavor, it's worth it!) About one to two minutes on each side.
5. Let them cool on a platter for up to 5 minutes.
6. You can eat your dessert crêpes with jam, sugar, honey, chocolate, the options are seemingly endless. Bon appetit!
What a lunch, what a day, what a semester. So... my plane departs 11am tomorrow (5am EST) and I land in New York at 7 pm. Please wish me a pleasant flight; no matter how often I take planes, I never seem to be able to enjoy them. Hope you're having a spectacular week! It's back to life in America for this girl...
"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose."
-The Wonder Years

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