After lunch on Friday I got to try my first durazno of the season. Not only are peaches one of my all-time favorite fruits but this one was perfectly ripe, and sweet, and such a delicious juicy mess of an afternoon dessert. I can't wait for more warm weather fruits!
That night I had salmon and salad that I really just through together last minute and decided wasn't photo-worthy. Haha, it was very good though and I know I'm totally getting spoiled having fresh wild fish at my disposal all the time. This lovely spread was Saturday's lunch.
To start we had Tortilla de Col Rizada with rice. This dish is interesting because I have always known tortillas in the Mexican sense, a thin, unleavened flat bread, made from finely ground corn or wheat flour. Here, however, in other South American countries, and in Spain, a tortilla is a thick, round, layered, oven-baked omelette. This one was packed with vitamin K, A, and C, in the form of yummy kale :).
As per usual, we ended the meal with ensaladas, this time with one of Cabbage & Radishes and another of Celery. Both were flavored with lemon and a pinch of salt. Oh and just to back track a bit because I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it, my "mom" always makes rice with shredded carrots and the occasional shredded green bean. I love never having to worry about getting enough veggies!

On the beautiful spring day that we were having on Saturday I met my friend, Genevieve, first to explore the Museo Chileno del Art PreColombino. It's an amazing art museum (I'm such a sucker for museums) that featured the works of the ancient civilizations of Latin America. I obviously loved it ;). Afterwards we sat in Plaza de Armas enjoying our cortados (strong coffee with steamed milk, and topped with foam), catching up, and people watching. It was the perfect time of day to do the latter too, there were artists and performers and lots of people looking for entertainment. I had such a nice time!
We had the usual ham and/or cheese fillers. According to my mom this was the "best" ham but seeing as jamón is just not my thing, never has been and probably never will be, I went with the cheese as usual. By the way, although I didn't eat the ham, I've dropped the vegetarian label. I still firmly believe that living a lifestyle void of animal products is better for the environment, body, and the poor animals, of course, but I think I have to be a little selfish and not so rigid while integrating myself into an omni-society. Please don't hate me :(.
Among options of butter, marmalade, and palta, I obviously chose this one, haha, no contest. It's definitely the most filling spread of the three and, well to be quite frank, I just love it. Scrumptious mashed avocado with a little salt and pepper is so where it's at :P.
I then had some lettuce and tomatoes and was left sufficiently satisfied and happy as I mentioned before :D. Now that I'm done with yet another marathon post (lol, I'm sorry this always happens, I hope you guys don't mind!) and drinking a large Café con Leche, it's time to get some quality homework done. I was even thinking of running later... not because I have to, but because I want to... love it! Take care, hope you're having a relaxing Sunday, and I'll "see" you all again soon!