Glad to hear I'm not the only one with quirks! Haha, the wonderful comments really made my day, it was so nice to come back home after a busy day and laugh, thank you :). As for my mascara obsession, I'd just like to add that the reason take utmost importance in my makeup routine is due to the fact that I inherited my father's eyes. Don't get it yet? Well if you knew my mother you would. She has big blue eyes with long lashes, the same eyes my brother and sister have (my sister's are brown, but still) and so the only way I feel up to par is through artificial enhancement of my less-than-stellar eyes, thank god for mascara. Not to mention that if I didn't I wouldn't be able to have taken artistic pictures like this either...

Enough talk about maquillaje, let's get onto the food! Breakfast was peanut butter toast and an apple, nothing too exciting. This afternoon's pizza party was fun though. The 4 Chilean students I met were so cool, they are going to have such a great time in the states. I also had a slice of the vegetarian pizza. I was nervous about how it would taste since it was from Pizza Hut, the only pizza they have down here is made by chains, and I've been lucky enough to grow up with real Italian New Yorker pizza, but I was actually pleasantly surprised. By no means was it the best pizza ever but it was good, thin crispy crust lightly spread with tomato sauce and topped with the right amount of cheese, onions, peppers, and mushrooms. I didn't have enough much time to sit and chat though because of my film class, which is going to be sooo interesting btw!

Needless to say I was rather hungry when they let us out at 4:30. I had about a half a cup of plain yogurt, which I ate with a baby spoon because I love yogurt but also like it to last, and a small salad of cabbage, raddaccio, carrots and a little olive oil, I ended up having 2 servings. I'm still hungry but I need to wait it out a bit because I'm going to make myself an early dinner tonight before I go out. Where am I going, you ask? A Choripanada hosted by la Universidad Catholica! The little fiesta got it's name by the fact that they'll be serving this cross between an empanada and churro there along with a variety of alcoholic beverages. How funny this kind of thing is held by and at the school, huh? Anyway, all of the food is going to be greasy and meaty so I'm going to need to cenar beforehand and only stick to the drinks there 0:).
Before I go though, I just wanted to give you a re-cap of yesterdays eats. After breakfast I went with my mom the JUMBO, the largest grocery store in Santiago for Fruit & Vegetable Day, one day a week in which all the beautiful Chilean (and imported) produce is on sale! It took us 2 hours between choosing from the amazing variety and then waiting on super long lines. By the end I was beyond ready for lunch.
Ha, not a pretty picture at all! Lunch was left-over Chariquicán, tasting about a million times better than it looks, with a side of Cabbage salad and a tomato. I promise it was yummy! Afterwards I helped my "mom" and "grandmother" prepare dinner. So much chopping, I can't even tell you! It ended up being worth it though because by the end of the day I was able to enjoy...
... this, pantrucas. This is what I'd call a Chilean stew and it was perfectly warm and hearty, ideal for a cold night. I don't have time to post the recipe tonight (don't want to be too fashionably late) but it had probably about every vegetable you can imagine, pasta, and cilantro. Oh and the creaminess is due to the potato. Hope everyone has a fabulous night... woo hoo, it's the weekend!
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