And without further aideau here are my fabulous nominees and a few of my personal favorites from the blogroll: Emma at Gliding Calm, Linds at Coffee, Chocolate, Kitchen, Caroline at The Broccoli Hut, Jenna at Eat Live Run, Kate at Winning Friends with Salad, the infamous Chocolate Covered Vegan, and last but certainly not least, Sarah at Our Kitchen Adventures.
I can relate so well to each and every one of you, and you are always an inspiration! You all most definitely deserve some recognition!
P.S. and F.Y.I. (If you haven´t heard so already) I'm so sorry I haven't been able to post recently... I really have been itching to and I have so many new pictures, foods, and stories to show and tell you about! Nonetheless I am currently on my traveling seminar sans my laptop. Once I move in with my host family, a new post is first on my list of things to do, I promise, promise, promise! Thanks for your patience :)
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