I left my house at 8:30 this morning and finally walked in again about 20 minutes ago (7:45 am). I'm so glad I really got to rest last night! It wasn't all work and no play though. I went to the grocery store and gym before heading back. Food shopping is definitely one of my favorite things to do... ever. Sugar Snap Peas, a Green Pepper, Carrots, Edamame, Steel-cut Oats, and tomorrow's lunch, a Mrs. Green's Salad Bar Creation, complements of moi. You know what that means, my time spent shopping for organics was simply pure enjoyment! :)
And it didn't stop there either. My grandparents just moved into a special elderly apartment complex with a new state-of-the-art gym. Well, I don't mind if I do! I figured this would be the perfect place to begin my running routine. I did a 5-minute warm up walk on the treadmill, 5-minute Rolling Hills on the elliptical, 5-minute Intervals on the stationary bike, 5-minute Rolling Hills on the elliptical, 5-minute Intervals on the stationary, and a 5-minute cool down session on the treadmill again. Definitely excited about this habit! Rewind...

A few hours into the morning the pharmacist asked me to go on a coffee run, his treat. Even though I wasn't too sleepy I didn't want to turn him down so I had a
small coffee with skim milk. I also at the
Kashi Trail Mix bar I packed to complete my morning snack.

By the time lunch time came I was completely ravenous! My breakfast seemed a bit larger than usual but I had had it 7 hours ago so I didn't expect it to still be holding me. Thankfully I had a yummy lunch planned. A large
Arugula Salad and the final left-overs of
Mom's Lentil Soup, the picture doesn't do it justice. Hit the spot and got me moving full-speed ahead into 5 more hours of work!
Attack of the sweet tooth! :) 2 York Mini Peppermint Patties

I got out of work at 6 and was pretty hungry for dinner but knew I had other things planned so I ate a small package of
Triscuits and an

And now for more recent news! I came home to my favorite "stir-fry" dish. My mom used
Zucchini, Onions, Tomatoes, and a secret mix of
spices to create this amazing meal to which I added
Parmesan cheese.

She also made pasta to put underneath it but I didn't want to have another refined grain so opted for toasted
Whole-Grain Bread instead. I made the loaf the other day in our bread-maker. After the combination nutritious foods and exercise I'm feeling energized and refreshed... even after such a hard Monday. There's another reminder of why I insist on practicing or attempting to practice such a healthy lifestyle :).
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